Thursday, July 18, 2013

7-16-2013 Trip to Division Street and Ladd's Rose Garden

There is an interesting feature that really calls to you on a map.  It is called Ladd's Rose Garden.

It was laid out in this odd way because an ex mayor and businessman decided to buy up the property and develop it in this way.  (that is according to the plaque that I should have taken a picture of)

We hopped the bus and got off on Hawthorne and walked through the middle of the X.  It really is kind of cool.  There are big rose gardens and I can only imagine that today they would advocate for big community gardens.

Several Rose gardens are in the area
We made our way south to Division street and saw several interesting businesses and quite a bit going on.  We diverted down a side street and happened upon Dots Diner.  We rated it 4 stars out of 5.  We split a Falafal and Fries.  I reviewed it on Yelp

We hopped the bus and headed home at about 10.

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