Thursday, August 8, 2013

8-8-2013 meetings and pinball

Eric had a morning meeting and an afternoon meeting with a computer programmer and an ad agency executive.  The programmer did a few websites and was happy to talk about how to promote his brother's pizza place.  In the afternoon it was very interesting to talk to the ad executive who has been very successful in the world of radio, television, and print, but really doesn't know how to jump into the digital age.  It is all so complicated with smartphones and tablets and all of that stuff.

After that we went to the Mississippi art exhibits that are on the second Thursday of each month.  Only 5 places participated and it wasn't much.

We had a happy hour app at Sidecar 11  We had the a really really good tapanede plate.  It was the best I have had and was more of a sampler.  The star of the show was the roasted garlic cloves.  All in all I tasted this app in my mouth for over an hour.  It stood up well agains the IPA.

Tapanade app $4.50 for happy hour

After that we scooted off for a game of pinball and called it a night.

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