Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11-12-2013 Green Drinks at Indiana City Brewing Company

Indiana City Brewing Company is downtown basically on the corner of Shelby and Washington Street in downtown Indianapolis.

There were about 20 people there at the meeting and we got a great tour of the facility.  We learned that the very same building was a very successful brewery and across the street was a 10 story brewhouse that was put out of business by prohibition.  The building had no electricity or water and they have done a marvelous job of restoring this building and highlighting its age.  It is really cool.

This says."the day will again dawn upon Indiana when a man can drink what he wants, when personal liberty will again be a citizens right."  This was written in a letter to all businesses as the old brewery was forced out of business by prohibition.
Picture of the fermenting vessels
They are a small brewery that brews much as a home brewer would....no doubt they will grow.
This is the burners for the vessels above....I wondered if they built it or bought it?

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