Tuesday, August 12, 2014

8-11-2014 Concert in the Rose Garden Amphitheater

Washington Park is home to the Japanese Gardens (which we will check out another time) and the International Rose Test Garden, which is right by the amphitheater where they have free concerts in the summer.  This Monday night we met Kathleen, Ross and Alexandra (Cara's sister and family) at the amphitheater for a free concert from Ural Thomas & the Pain, a band we heard first at the Waterfront Blues Festival.  Of course, we had to check out the rose garden first - beautiful!

Eric (near center) chilling in the Rose Garden

That's downtown Portland in the distance through the trees

Cara enjoying the Rose Garden

Each little patch of ground grew a different kind of rose

True, they're not roses, but they're beautiful nonetheless.  Just wish my camera did the colors justice.

Probably the 96+ degree heat kept a lot of people away.  I guess this place is usually packed for concerts.

Ural Thomas & the Pain rocked the house, even in the heat.
We realized that we recognized the keyboardist, Ben Darwish, from the concert at Music on Main Street by Morning
Ritual (with the Shook Twins).

By the end of the concert the clouds were amazing

Dramatic evening clouds over Portland

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