Friday, October 3, 2014

10-3-2014 First Friday in Indianapolis

Every first Friday in Indianapolis means that many of the artists in the city open up their space to show off their works.  One of the hotspots for this is the Murphy Building in Fountain Square.  We headed over there after work.

We had a gift certificate to the mexican restaurant called El Arado.  It is a so so place, but usually they have really good Fajitas.  This time the beans were badly scorched.  (Somebody knew they scorched the beans, but they served them anyway!)

Vegetable Fajitas

In the Murphy Building they were showing off a new hopeful company that wants to put in a classic arcade.  They have an
indie go go campaign which is a crowd sourced way to get money.  I hope they funded.

An example of the art in the building

A funny way to say watch your step

This had really solid construction of solid wood laminated.

There is a new place called hi fi which has a lot of live music coming.

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