Sunday, March 8, 2015

3-7-2015 Hopkins Kite Festival

The annual Kite Festival brings hundreds of people (children and adults) to the beach to fly kites.  Under the palapa they had
food for sale, a band playing, and tables for people to build their kites.

People built their kites in the morning, then flew them for the competition in the afternoon.

Some were store-bought, but most were hand made, and everybody had TONS of string to really let their kites go high and far.

Some friends live right by where the event took place, so we hung out with them on their deck for a while.  We all liked the
kite being taken out onto the field at the right of this picture.  It looked like a huge Star of David with a happy face to us, but
the locals all referred to it as the "Batman Kite" - go figure.

Here you can see the "Batman Kite" did make it up into the air, though it didn't go terribly high or far.

This was our favorite kite (all hand made).  It's the flag of Belize surrounded by the Garifuna colors.  We never did see it fly,
though.  :(

We didn't get to stay for the awards because we were meeting people for dinner and had to get ready, but I guess there were
awards for the kite that flew the longest, the highest, the farthest, etc.  It's a really nice community event.

We met friends for dinner at Sunny Side Up Restaurant in town. This is Eric's rib dinner.  (The beans that go with the rice
came a moment later and didn't make the picture.)

Cara's veggie curry - delicious!

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