Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12-15-2015 Davis Falls Adventure

Friends Pam and Oli arranged a trip to Davis Falls, so we jumped at the invitation to go along.  We met at their place at 7 am
to get an early start, and it was a beautiful day with perfectly still seas.

A rooster was enjoying a morning walk on the beach.

Neighbors were also enjoying a morning swim.

Dorla, Terry, Oli and Sabrina - getting loaded up for the trip.

We all piled into this trailer for our adventure.

Pam had warned us that you really need a tractor and trailer to get out to Davis Falls, so that's what she had arranged.

Loaded up and ready to go...

Starting our journey...

This is where you turn off the highway.  8 miles to Davis Falls - sounds easy right?  Well, that
8 miles takes 2-3 bouncy hours in the tractor and trailer.

We went through citrus groves.

The road didn't seem too bad at first, and we thought we might be able to get our Isuzu Trooper out here...

Then we saw the first river crossing...

There was dense jungle, with branches you had to duck under.  (Cara missed avoiding one branch and ended up with an ugly
"burn" from it that.)

This is the first sign to Davis Falls after turning off the highway.  However, this is after several road splits and the first river
crossing, so most people would never get this far unless they knew the way.

The second river crossing.

More citrus groves.

The third river crossing.

Our friend, Terry.

The boys enjoying bubble gum.

More citrus groves...

The fourth river crossing.

The fifth river crossing.

Eric, friend Pam, and her sister Kara.

The sixth river crossing.

More jungle...

We had to get out of the trailer and walk down one hill because it was too rough.

The seventh river crossing.

It looks like two creeks come together at this point.

Our "parking lot", with a sign pointing toward the "trail" to Davis Falls.

Sabrina and Dorla starting the 45 minute hike through the jungle...

There is a brief are walking along the edge of a field (watch out for the "cutting grass" here), but it is mostly dense jungle.

Heading down into the lush jungle...

Pam was okay here, but you really have to be careful about what branches you touch.  Some have tons of tiny spikes that break
off into your skin, and two in our group found those the hard way.

There was more signage for the trail than for the roads to get you there.

Davis Falls - woohoo!  But, wait, you can't even hear the falls at this point.

A little more through the jungle, then you hike along the stream...

First view of Davis Falls as you round the bend...

Pam's sister, Kara, at Davis Falls.

Looking downstream...that's our friend, Terry.

Cara at Davis Falls

Eric enjoying the view of the falls - fitting reward for a challenging journey.

The natural pool at the base of the falls is where we all enjoyed a swim.

The water was cool and refreshing.

Looking up at the falls from the base.

Pam got in a short nap while Oli communed with nature.

The boys had a great time scrambling over the rocks.

Alas, time to head back...  It is a 2-3 hour drive back in the tractor and trailer...

What a fun adventure with friends!  Almost all of us ended up with some sort of wound from the trip, but it was worth it!

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