Saturday, May 21, 2016

5-21-2016 Dangriga Day

Our friends Will and Leslie had decided to check out the first annual Dangriga Day on Saturday, and we decided to explore it
with them. It was held an area behind the market known as "Y Not Island", which isn't really an island. We knew the event 
would probably be small, and it was, but it was the first ever, and things got going late, so it may have gotten busy later in the
evening. It was fun nonetheless.

Gambling on the number that would come up on the wheel (as a school fundraiser, lol), although you just get a stuffed animal
if you bet right.

It was a hot, sunny day, and lots of people were enjoying the water.

Eric tried the dunk tank and surprised the girl when he hit the mark with his last ball.  Here he just threw the ball.

Here is the volunteer wringing out her braids in the dunk tank.

On our way out of Dangriga we stopped at the new ice cream shop, Mimi's.

Flavors we enjoyed included Brownie, Mocha, Soursop and Fireball (yes, with actual Fireball whiskey in it).

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