Wednesday, March 1, 2017

2-28 to 3-1-2017 Eric's Family Arrives

Some of Eric's family (his mother and step-father, plus an aunt and uncle) arrived, and it is their only Tuesday here so we had
to take them to Driftwood Beach Bar & Pizza Shack for the jam night featuring local Garifuna music.

Aunt Cheryl, Mom (Nancy), and Uncle Paul

Try as we might, we could not get a photo of everyone without someone blinking, lol!

The following evening we went on the Bioluminescence Tour with Happy Go Luckie Tours. Here we are just before the boat
arrived for our tour.

We joined with some other folks for the tour. It's best to go when there is no moonlight so it doesn't interfere with the light
from the water. We had a small moon, but thankfully it was a cloudy night. Unfortunately, our cameras do not capture the
beauty of the bioluminescense anyway, but the water shimmers and glows blue with any disturbance (i.e. your hand splashing
the water, or a fish darting below the surface), and it's amazing.

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