Wednesday, March 14, 2018

3-11 to 3-14-2018 Altun Ha & Caye Caulker with Cheryl

Our friend Cheryl came to Belize for a visit, so we drove to the airport in Belize City to pick her up.

We saw this on the Hummingbird Highway - a common site.

Our first stop was the Altun Ha Archaeological Site (a Maya ruin - click for more info).

We had the place to ourselves on this Sunday afternoon.

Do you see the face?

After the ruin we drove the Belize City and took the water taxi to Caye Caulker.

We checked into our hotel and cleaned up.

We looked up the top restaurant on Trip Advisor and headed to Chef Juan's Kitchen and Pastries for dinner. It's a very casual,
cute little place.

Eric's Shrimp Coconut Curry

Cara's Veggie Coconut Curry - delicious!

Cheryl was ready for sun and fun!

We stopped for coffee then headed off for our adventure.

The first day had a better weather forecast, so we went on a full day sailing and snorkeling tour.

First they took us over to see the huge tarpon fish. These pretty pelicans were hanging out there also.

We were lucky to have the right number of people to take the catamaran (in the distance) - it's a really nice ride!

At our first stop, Hol Chan Cut - you can see whitecaps from the waves breaking on the barrier reef.

Second stop, Coral Gardens - this is the least spectacular area on the trip, and no good underwater pictures turned out.

Last stop, Shark Ray Alley - very cool.

They don't chum the waters, so the nurse sharks and rays don't come in huge numbers, but we still saw several.

We explored the area more, which was really nice. Here you see a big school of horse-eye jack fish.

Another nurse shark.


A ray and a turtle!

We LOVE seeing sea turtles!

On the return we docked on the back side of the north part of the island, where the new Koko King development (bar, restaurant?, beach, resort?) is located. 

Of course, we had to check out the digs.

Very pretty, but we were tired, so maybe we'll hang there another time. We took the free shuttle back to the main part of the
island, cleaned up and went out for dinner.

We found a new place called Falafel Bar - they did have things besides falafel, but that's what we all got, and it was yummy.

Cara had found a place on the island that offers yoga by donation, so she and Cheryl were
happy to give it a go.

It's on a covered rooftop, and the view is nice. This pic was taken early - the rooftop was FULL by the time class started.

The yoga is on the rooftop of a really cute cafe.

We wandered the island, then decided to stop for lunch at La Cubana.

Eric and Cheryl both got Cuban Sandwiches, which they liked.

Cara enjoyed her Cuban Nachos.

More island wandering...


Cheryl was photobombed by this cute little girl.

Our last dinner on the island was at a gorgeous place called Il Pellicano.

Musicians we had seen perform in Hopkins were performing that night, which was cool.

Margherita Pizza

Our hotel had free breakfast, but it wasn't very impressive, so we opted for a nice breakfast
out before we left the island.

It's a beautiful setting for a meal.

Eric's Poached Benedictine Eggs

Cara's gluten free waffle with spinach and mozzarella

Cara's gluten free waffle with crushed caramelized peanuts and homemade cane sugar syrup.

Teeheehee - Boaty McBoatface!

We took the water taxi back to Belize City, then drove three hours to Hopkins.

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