Wednesday, November 28, 2018

11-28-2018 Return to Belize

It was 14 degrees (Farenheit) this morning - time to go!!! Farewell for the winter, Indianapolis!

De-icing the plane.


Sunrise over the clouds.

Arriving in Ft. Lauderdale.

Goodbye for now U.S.

Hello Belize!

Catching our "hopper" flight to Dangriga. Amazingly, we ran into our friend, John (on the right), at the Ft. Lauderdale
airport and shared the same flights since he was also headed to Hopkins.

They put all the guys at the front of the plane for weight balancing.

Leaving Belize City for Dangriga, where our friend Mark picked us up.

We've never flown in Belize when it is this cloudy.

Happy to be back in Belize!

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