Sunday, May 26, 2019

5-25 and 5-26-219 Indy Biking with Friends

When we are in Indianapolis, we like to do a lot of long bike rides with our friends, Mark and Annette. Sometimes their children join us as well, and these bike rides are generally much shorter.

Saturday, May 25th - Monon Trail

This time we went down to the Fall Creek Parkway Trail and took it over to the Monon Trail.

On the Monon Trail we headed north into the Broad Ripple neighborhood.

The artwork along the trail is a nice touch.

Biking/walking bridge over Fall Creek.

Sunday, May 26th - Ft. Harrison State Park

This time we went the other direction on the Fall Creek Parkway Trail and headed out to Ft. Harrison State Park.

Entering Ft Harrison State Park.

Rest stop by a pond on our way around a larger lake.

Back on the Fall Creek Parkway Trail, headed home...

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