Saturday, August 3, 2019

8-3-2019 Gen Con and Bates-Hendricks Street Fest

We bicycled downtown with our friends, Mark and Annette, and their daughter. We hoped to catch the parade of costumed
attendees of Gen Con, a gaming convention. We arrived at the tail end of the parade, so Mark got some photos, but we did
not. We went inside, and it was packed with people.

This shows a couple of people kind of dressed up.

Some people obviously couldn't wait to play the new games they had purchased, so they just found a spot on the floor.

Afterwards we continued south to the Bates-Hendricks neighborhood for their Street Fest. This is a new "up-and-coming"
area that is new to us. Apparently, people are moving here instead of Fountain Square because it is more affordable.
(Fountain Square used to be considered an "up-and-coming" neighborhood, but now we'd say it has arrived.)

There were several nice craft booths to explore.

There were free hot dogs, chips and drinks provided by a local church. Another church booth (not pictured) offered free Root
Beer Floats.

We also sampled food from this food truck. Cara had seen it before but wrote it off figuring they only had meat items.

However, the food truck had Vegan Tacos, with tofu that was seasoned and smoked the same way their chicken is! Cara and
Annette split an order and loved them.

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