Sunday, October 20, 2019

10-18 to 10-20-2019 Hayride to Hell - Pioneer Edition

Tent City begins at Hayride to Hell, our friends' annual Halloween camp-out weekend in beautiful Brown County.

Since the original house burned down last winter in a fire, and the new house is under construction, everyone had to sleep in
tents and use the portable toilets this year. That's why it's called the "Pioneer Edition".

That's also why a tent became the center of the festivities.

Our friend Mark made this wonderful, creepy chandelier for the tent.

Thankfully it was a beautiful weekend for camping.

The Halloween decorations are always wonderful, and we are happy to help set up.

Things are coming together...

The jack-o-lanterns are always creative, and often funny.

Our friends are so talented - love the entries for the pumpkin competition.

More people arrive and things get under way.

The first hayride is usually for the kids, and the adults enjoy the nighttime hayrides.

Mark's chandelier in full glory.

Later in the evening the bonfire is the secondary gathering spot.

This Cheshire Cat jack-o-lantern really came to life at night.

A murderous Alice in Wonderland tea party.

Cards Against Humanity.

American Gothic.

Head in a jar - creative costume.

Pioneer woman, in keeping with the theme.

The Invisible Man.

Head on a plate - also very creative.

The last hayride is on Sunday morning when the riders toss all the hay into the field along the way.

We always stay to help tear everything down, and we stay most of the day.

While Eric played board games in the barn, Cara enjoyed a walk down to the lake.5-

Peaceful and beautiful as always!

The leaves were definitely changing colors more down at the lake than up at the barn.

Alas, it's finally time to go home.

We had a great time. Many thanks to our hosts and all our friends. See you next year!

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