Monday, March 2, 2020

3-2-2020 Farm Tour with Family

Our last big day with Eric's family took us out to the Cayo District, so along the way we stopped for breakfast at Cafe Casita
del Amor on the Hummingbird Highway. We have driven by this place many times, but never stopped in, even though it
looks intriguing.

Cute interior. Looks okay. I guess we'll try it.

The house cat sat with us (and begged food) while we ate. Everyone liked their food (omelets and smoothie), so it was a win.

Eric's step-father, John, grew up on a farm, so he wanted to see what farming was like in Belize. Our friend, Gilly, works on
a farm (mostly sugarcane, corn and soybeans) in the Cayo District (in western Belize), and he was happy to give us a tour. 

One machine is harvesting the sugarcane, and the other two vehicles go along beside to catch the good stuff.

Those little vehicles then dump their loads of good stuff in bigger collection trucks that then go to the sugar mill.

The sugarcane harvester.

John and Paul rode along with Gilly as we toured the farm, so they likely learned tons more. We learned that sugarcane has
to grow for a year before it is harvested. We also learned that the corn they grow all goes to Guatemala, though the soybeans
are used in Belize. 

Just some of the big farm equipment.

This one is Belizean made to be able to go through the muckiest of areas without getting stuck.

The sugar mill.

After the farm tour we drove to nearby Spanish Lookout, the big Mennonite community, and drove around a bit before
stopping for lunch at Sisters Diner, which a friend had recommended.

It's a cute place and the food was good.

Spanish Lookout is full of green, perfectly manicured lawns, because that's how the Mennonites roll.

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