Thursday, July 24, 2014

7-23-2014 Marketing Automation meetup

Brian Rants of DMX Engage (a marketing automation company) recently started a meetup group, and this was only their second or third meeting.  The topic tonight was "Beer, Donuts & Marketing Automation: How to Score with Marketing Automation".  It was exactly that...Widmer beer, Voodoo Donuts, and a talk about marketing automation from a John Zaterka from Silverpop.  IBM Silverpop is a high-end email and CRM (customer relations management) platform used by huge companies to "score" leads (determine how likely people are to buy), and "nurture" people through from being lookers to becoming buyers of their product or service.  It's way more than our customers need, but it's good to see how the big boys do things.  We try to get some ideas on how we can bring some of these services into play for our clients.  We also made some good contacts.  We could tell by the questions and answers that there were lots of very intelligent people in the room, so it seemed like a great meetup group.

Brian Rants of DMX Engage (left), and John Zaterka of Silverpop (middle)

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