During the summer Portland offers an excellent series of free concerts in parks all over the city. This Tuesday night we rode our bikes over to Mt. Tabor Park to enjoy a free concert from Chervona. We had seen this band last summer in a bar after a Last Thursday on Alberta, and they had the whole bar jumping and dancing. Their music is fast-paced, Russian/gypsy/klezmer/punk madness, and we LOVE them! Even better, our cousin Savana was able to walk over and meet us for the concert, and she also said the band was awesome.
The Caldera Amphitheater at Mt. Tabor Park is in a caldera, and it's gorgeous! What a place for an amphitheater!
It was a hot day, so I came prepared to sit in the sun, but it was shady, breezy, cool and lovely. |
Food tents are set up in the parking lot above the amphitheater. Very convenient.
At first when Cara saw all the children there, and we knew the band's music, she wondered if they all knew what they
were in store for. However, she should have known better - this IS Portland, and the people here are open to all kinds
of music, so everybody seemed to really enjoy the concert. |
Chervona - if you haven't heard of them before, look up their music on YouTube. They rock! |
At first only the children were at the front dancing, but by the end of the show the dance floor was filled with people of all ages. |
Another view of the amphitheater, making it easier to see the caldera. Mt. Tabor itself is a volcanic cinder cone. |
While walking Savana back to her place Eric spied this poetry board. This is a sign in somebody's yard and is not atypical of Portland. They can easily change the poem anytime. Currently, it says,
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. -Pablo Picasso" |
Savana and Cara
So, it's a little hard to see in the picture (and the closeup is blurry), but you could actually
clearly see Mt. Hood between the house and the telephone pole. Love seeing that daily!
Below are some videos shot of Chervona. They were shot with a GoPro 3. All were shot from the same vantage point, but with different field widths selected.
The first one is in Narrow, then Medium, then Wide Fields of View
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