Tuesday, December 23, 2014

12-23-2014 Happy Birthday Greg and Chef Rob. Angel and Kent came for a visit.

Today is my brother's birthday.  I gave him a call on Mark's Internet phone.  The phone works great. 

We worked most of the day and took a break to shop for some fresh fruit.  The sister of our host Sabrina came in for a visit from Indianapolis.  They arrived at about dark.
A fruit and vegetable truck makes its rounds.  Notice the scale hanging on the stick on the right?

This is a picture of a scorpion that we killed in our apartment...I am doing better checking my shoes and clothes before I put them on.

This is Rob, owner of Chef Robs.  Today was his birthday and his friend who owns Frog's Point restaurant got him a t-shirt.

There was a surprise party for Rob in his restaurant right after he closed

This is a picture of a smaller Katydid or Grasshopper or whatever it is

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