Wednesday, December 31, 2014

12-31-2014 New Years Eve

We messed around a bit during the day and then at about 7:30 we got the New Years Eve party started.

Mark got this cabinet installed behind the bar just in time for the party
This is the owner of the "Bamboo Bar", Mark

Yuri is a Russian guy that makes a secret vodka drink - Mark is trying to make it here

It is only 8, so Yuri wants to pace himself on the vodka shots

Mark and Janet sharing a laugh

There was a ton of food!

Mark and Janet

Francis was having a good time

Annette was having a good time

Janet's head looks like that because she was moving so fast

everybody was having a good time

Francis was getting his groove on

Boom Boom was having a good time

Boom Boom with his wife Delia

The girls (Annette, Janet and Darla) were line dancing

A few beers were sacrificed at the party

Several of the people owned restaurants so they had to come later when they got done with dinner service

There was a nice dance floor

at 11:00 and at 12:00 fireworks got shot off at Dangriga which is about 7 miles away by boat

People headed up to the top floor of the dock to ring in the new year

Mark and Sabrina were the party hosts

those are the fireworks going off in Dangriga.  My eyes could see it better than this...but oh well

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