Friday, February 27, 2015

2-27-2015 Returned from PG

Last morning in PG.

Breakfast at The Snack Shack - Cara and Patrick both had fruit plates, and Cara had a Tamarind Slush (yum).

Eric had a waffle with eggs.

After stopping at Immigration to get our monthly passport stamps we walked down to the
Cotton Tree Chocolate factory.  Tina had given Cara money to get some of their Spicy Mayan
Cocoa powder.

We got a brief tour on how chocolate is made, and takes much longer than we expected.  It spins in this thing alone for 3 days.

The Cotton Tree Chocolate shop.

Calm Caribbean Sea at PG.

We had fun in PG and hope to return.

Farewell Punta Gorda!

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