Saturday, February 14, 2015

2-6 to 2-13-2015 Fun with Nick

Sabrina's son Nick had many adventures without us (while we worked), but here are just a few things we enjoyed during his visit:

We partied at Mark and Sabrina's "Bamboo Bar" - this is Cara and Tina with Nick.

Pooch got to come to the party that night, so Tango had fun wrestling with her boyfriend.

We had an amazing dinner experience at Chef Rob's Gourmet Cafe.

We enjoyed live music (local drumming and singing) at Driftwood Beach Bar & Pizza Shack.

We had a nice dinner with friends at Tina's Kitchen.

We grilled out at home.

We enjoyed happy hour with friends at Jungle Jeanie's By The Sea.

We caught live music at Windschief Bar (from a trio that had never played together before that night, but were pretty good).
This was the day before Valentine's Day.

After Windschief we went with Lea and Darla to Tango for live local drumming.  This is a picture of the flyer for the event,
which we had seen in town earlier.

Nick and Cara ready to head into the event.

Nick was having fun that night, dancing with all the ladies!

Lea and Darla

Cara tried to take a couple of videos of the incredible drumming/singing performances, but they didn't turn out - too dark and bad audio.  :(  Too bad, because it was awesome!  There were two different groups that played (each with about 10-12 musicians), and each group played non-stop during their set.  Multiple songs, I am told, but no rest in between them.  And the people all knew all the songs, so everyone would sing along.

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