Saturday, July 18, 2015

7-17-2015 Sabrina's Birthday Dinner at Chef Rob's

Sabrina wanted a quiet dinner at Chef Rob's for her birthday, so that's what we had.  Chef Rob rode his motorcycle to work
that day, so Mark and Sabrina posed with it outside the restaurant.

A birthday surprise for Sabrina - Champagne, her favorite!

Red wine and appetizers: tortilla chips with tomato marmalade, and bread with garlic hummus.

Papaya and cantaloupe soup with island spices

Green mango and papaya salad

Red roasted pork tenderloin with tomato marmalade

Lobster tails for Sabrina

Veggies in a piquant red curry sauce

Candles don't stay lit with that ocean breeze, so sparklers made a nice replacement.

Cardamom and cinnamon spiced cake with ice cream (the cake is hiding under the ice cream)

On the walk home Eric thought his package of leftovers looked like a purse, and Mark was
carrying Sabrina's flowers, so a picture seemed appropriate.  ;)  Those goofballs!

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