Sunday, July 5, 2015

7-4-2015 4th of July Cookout

Kind of last minute we decided to have a cookout for the 4th of July.  We invited lots of friends, and people came and went,
and we probably had about 40 guests in total.  This was just part of the early crowd, most of whom stayed late.

Birgit and Mirko had just adopted a puppy from the local Humane Society, and they brought her (Penny) to the party.

Thankfully Tango liked Penny.  Tango shared her bed and seemed to watch over the puppy (just 11 weeks old).

Good friends Guido and Simonetta made it.  Unfortunately, they are leaving Belize soon.  :(

Eric cooked BBQ chicken on the grill.

We also had deviled eggs, salad, cornbread, baked potatoes and baked beans.

Gluten-free brownies and Mayan chocolate truffles were contributed for dessert.

We all had a great night, and everyone was worn out by the end.

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