Sunday, November 15, 2015

11-15-2015 Flooding in Hopkins

There has been a lot of rain recently, and we heard of several areas that are flooded.  We didn't try going to the flooded areas,
but we did drive around to see what the rest of the town looks like.  This is the road near our place.

Looking down the road to Sittee River all you can see is water.  That area is badly flooded, so we passed it by.

This is an example of the flooding on Sittee River.  Of course, this is normally all dry land, but now it's flooded from the river
to the road.  (This is our friend Regina, and Cara grabbed this picture from her Facebook page.)

Hopkins Road, the main road into the village, has two spillways where the road passes over the wet grass savanna.  It was
doing its job today, for sure (for the first time since its completion last spring).  This is the first spillway section.

Heading through the first spillway section.

This is the second spillway section.  We turned around here and headed back into town.

Looking out at the wet grass savanna.

We saw birds and people alike out fishing in the savanna.

We then walked around town a little bit and stopped briefly at the public dock.

We also stopped at Driftwood Beach Bar & Pizza Shack for dinner.  The path to the bathrooms
was flooded, so they set up these Coke and beer crates for people to walk on.

Some of our friends were there celebrating their daughter's birthday.

Later we went to watch the music for this Sunday's Culture Night.  Since it has been so rainy the venue moved from Maude
Park at the main junction in town to a nearby restaurant, Swinging Armadillos.  We were two of only a handful of people
when things started, but the place was absolutely packed by the end of the evening.  It was another great night!

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