Sunday, November 22, 2015

11-22-2015 Quiet Sunday in Hopkins

We both felt super lazy today, but we forced ourselves to get out and do something.  So, we went for a drive and thought we
would check out the newest restaurant in town, Ella's Cool Spot.  Eric had stewed chicken with stewed beans and rice, and
Cara had the same without the chicken.  It's a nice place right across from the basketball court, and the owner is very friendly.

We then went to Driftwood Beach Bar & Pizza Shack to have a drink and relax on the beach.

I guess everyone else felt lazy this Sunday, because nobody was there.

We did see signs of life in the form of a couple of couples out kayaking.

Okay, I guess we did also watch three brothers next door practicing their soccer moves.  You can see the youngest boy here.

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