Monday, February 13, 2017

2-13-2017 Parade for Miss Belize Universe

I (Cara) happened to be in Dangriga running errands when a parade went by.

People came out of the buildings all around to watch. One vehicle had a band playing music in the truck bed.

I learned the parade was for Rebecca "Bex" Rath, who is the current Miss Belize Universe. She had just represented Belize
in the Miss Universe pageant in the Philippines (and came in 13th, I believe). This is the new car that was given to her upon
her return to Belize. 

Rebecca is from Dangriga, so she was given a nice, warm welcome here.

Here she comes...

Even the school children and teachers came out to cheer her on.

That might be her parents in the truck with her. Her father, Tony Rath, is a renowned photographer.

Miss Belize Universe, Rebecca Rath

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