Monday, April 17, 2017

4-17-2017 Sittee town council party

On the Monday after Easter the village of Sittee River has a festival.  It is a big deal and busses come in from all over the country.  The village of Sittee River is located upstream of Hopkins on Sittee River. 

There were a dozen or more food booths

The festival was right next to the soccer field.  Different teams played all day.  They are fast and good.

It rained during the day and we got there at about 4.  We were treated to a nice sunset

It is always difficult to get a picture of a sunset.....the pictures just look different than the eye saw

This gives you a small sense of the scale of the event.  It is many rows deep.

This is a panorama of the whole area from across the soccer field

The whole field was lined with spectators

Since it was raining the tent was packed with people listening to the bands

Horace takes people on sailboat trips in this boat

Here is a picture of the river

Soccer is a very popular sport in Belize

It either misted, or rained, or threatened rain all day

This is also typical of Belize.....make due with something that works great and is free to obtain

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