Friday, April 7, 2017

4-7-2017 Beach Walk and Windschief

We decided to show our friends what we do on most Sundays - a beach walk. There is currently a lot of sea grass (sargassum)
washing up on shore right now, as you can see. On our walk we ran into Ted, the Chairman of the Village Counsel, and he is
trying to spearhead an effort to harvest the sea grass and turn it into mulch. It takes a while to cure, but it makes good mulch,
and the farmers in Cayo are asking for it, apparently. So, it would be a big undertaking, but it could be a good business for
someone in Hopkins.

We saw a beautiful old school canoe (dory) on the beach.

Our friend's dog, Spike, has adopted us (even though we don't give him food or water), and he came along for the walk.

This other dog started following us at some point as well. We don't know him - maybe he knows Spike.

We stopped for lunch at Laruni Hati Beybu.

Cara and Erin both got veggie burritos.

Eric had a chicken fajita.

Brian and JoEllen both got whole fish - Brian's came with plantain chips, while JoEllen's had homemade tortillas.

Somehow we picked up another dog at our lunch stop. This puppy was particularly cute and playful, though right now he's
resting on Eric's foot.

We climbed up to the lookout at Weiga.

Kismet Inn is having major erosion issues, so they built this wall several months ago.

It's not a permanent solution. Currently the waves are breaking on it and washing sargassum over the wall!

We stopped at Rhum Shak at Hopkins Bay Resort just in time for happy hour!

JoEllen had seen many places, especially on Caye Caulker, that had swings, and she finally got to sit on one here.

Cara has found that she likes rum, so she thought it was cool that there is a rum named after her...

...even if it is spelled wrong.

There's a cute bench there that looks like a boat, and it even rocks side to side.

We made it all the way to the area known as "Hawaii".

Brian was enjoying the views.  It is just like a park here.
The wind noise was bad, but the funny thing about this video was that there was a guy camping out there....most likely a tourist.  The sun was setting and it was very beautiful with the moon rise.  Suddenly towards the end of the video you can hear him yelling out Tarzan type calls.....anyway this video is of a guy catching some fish.  We bought some to feed to the birds.

We found a guy there catching bait fish and convinced him to sell us some so we could throw
them up to the frigate birds and watch them swoop down and catch them - what fun!

Dogs were having a blast playing on the beach at Weiga.

Brian found a bit of rope on the beach and joked to Erin that he was making a necklace for her.
Erin didn't seem too impressed.

The puppy really liked the rope, however!

Sunset as we start the walk back.

We walked the road back, and even more dogs followed us for a while, though thankfully they all peeled off before we got all
the way home.

The King Family (minus one daughter) in front of beautiful flowers at our friend's house.

The completed necklace ,with beach-found adornments of a straw, a washer, a plastic toy shovel, and the plastic ring from a
water bottle - Erin wouldn't wear it, but Brian was awfully proud of it!

No time for a nap after our beach walk - we headed straight to Windschief for their Friday party night.

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