Sunday, May 14, 2017

5-14-2017 Sunday Beach Walk

We stopped at our usual spots along the way, and had a bite at Laruni Hati Beyabu. This is Eric's BBQ pork plate.
(FYI, in Garifuna laruni = light, hati = moon, and beyabu = shore, so this restaurant's name translates to "Moonlight Shore".)

We stopped at Driftwood Beach Bar & Pizza Shack and debated if it would actually rain.

Anderson is the adorable son of the bartender, Marvin, and he got to have some fun since it was a slow day.

We did make it all the way to "Hawaii" on our walk, though we also got caught in a downpour. We returned to Driftwood
where we ran into a friend who gave us a ride home.

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