Thursday, May 4, 2017

5-4-2017 Restaurant Grand Opening

The restaurant at Caribbean Village had closed not long ago, and thankfully they found renters,
so a new restaurant just opened up there. We went for their grand opening.

They even have a buffet night (for $20 US)!

Lots of people turned out to see the new place.

The decor is the same, but the food is not.

There was free food to sample including fresh fruit, salad, conch fritters, rice & beans, fisherman's soup, Jerk chicken, wings,
and more, and the food was good.

The new menu - all prices in Belize dollars ($1 US = $2 BZ)

The new restaurant is run by a couple that already has a couple of restaurants in San Pedro (on Ambergris Caye), and the
prices seem to reflect this. Everyone agreed that the prices seemed on the high side, although it depends on the portion size.
They are in the resort area, though, so the prices fit better here than in the village.

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