Saturday, June 17, 2017

6-17-2017 Baboon Sanctuary and Caye Caulker

Morning seemed like a good time to take some pictures of the beautiful place we stayed, Black Orchid Resort.

Breakfast is included here, and this is where you eat.

Cara saw a fisherman heading out in his dory.

After breakfast Eric napped while Cara and Deedra checked out the Community Baboon
Sanctuary in the nearby village of Bermudian Landing. (Baboon is the local term for monkey.)

There is a small museum at the sanctuary.

We checked out the exhibits while it rained a bit.

When it stopped raining we followed our guide, Geraldine, for our brief tour. She explained that the area we were hiking
through was not an official park or anything - the community just agreed to keep habitat and trees that the howler monkeys
like so that they may thrive. We did see one howler monkey, and it was eating mangoes in a tree in someone's back yard.

By the time Cara and Deedra got back to the room to pack up it was pouring down rain. We waited until it stopped to leave.

We had time before the ferry came, so we stopped in and had some gelato at our friend's shop. Just then she came back from
her niece's graduation, and we snapped a picture of the little graduate.

Then we boarded the ferry to Caye Caulker.

We stayed at the Caye Caulker Beach Hotel above a grocery store, and the rooms were nice.

There was a little balcony on our floor overlooking the street below.

The view of the main street from our bathroom window.

Lean out the window a little and this is the view...

We walked along the main street to show Deedra the lay of the land.

When we were here in April the Split was still under reconstruction (after destruction from Hurricane Earl last August), so
we had to go see what it looks like now.

The reconstruction is all done. Now there is a nice big beach...

A big palapa with outdoor seating...

The new dock at the Lazy Lizard looks great and gets lots of use.

They have restored the beach and secured it with a thick concrete wall.

They made a nicer swimming area with in-water palapas, and they added a diving platform.

We ended with a nice dinner at Bambooze. This is Eric's coconut curry fish filet with salad and baked potato.

Deedra and Eric split a coconut lobster appetizer.

Cara and Deedra split a veggie burrito that said it was as big as your arm...and it pretty much was.

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