Friday, July 19, 2019

7-19-2019 Pitchfeast

Pitchfeast is an event that happens regularly.  Normally what happens is that several people or groups have 3 minutes to pitch their business idea.  The crowd pays 10 bucks and gets food.  Then the people get to vote on the best pitch.  The winner of the pitch gets all the entrance fee money to go and help build their idea.

This time the pitchfeast was held in conjunction with the Indianapolis Black Expo.  This time the groups competed and they had 3 minutes to pitch and then the there were 4 judges and the judges voted on the winner.  The winner earned 5,000 bucks.

These things are difficult because you have HUGE idea against small idea.  Plus you have people that are in all stages of business development.

This was the very spirited announcer

These were the politicians awarding the check to the winner of the pitch contest

The pitch contest was right near the Baseball field

This garden is part of White River State Park

We stopped by 16 bit for some pinball

Finally we ended the night by eating at Yats before the ride home

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