Monday, April 6, 2015

4-6-2015 Placencia with Lindsey

Many things were closed since the Monday after Easter is also a national holiday, so Cara and Lindsey took the day to relax
and do some gift shopping in Placencia.  We ate a nice lunch here at Sweet Mama's.

The restaurant has a beautiful outdoor seating area.

Loads of local charm.

Love these palapas!

Cara's gigantic veggie burrito.

After our food came we watched this iguana stroll into the middle of the restaurant.

He looked right at home.

He walked right by our table....

Then he hopped up on the rock right behind Lindsey....

Then into the planter right next to Lindsey.  She did feed him some of the lettuce from her
sandwich.  He's probably no stranger to that, which is probably why he wasn't terribly afraid of us.

Cara was taking a picture of this water feature when she noticed another iguana.

See him yet?

King of the Fountain

Looking toward Placencia from the airport.

Beauty along the Placencia sidewalk

Cara has always liked this sign (in Creole).

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