Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4-7-2015 Sailing to the Cayes

Three of us (Eric, Cara and Lindsey) went out on the Brujula sailboat with Brian, the owner.

It was another beautiful day in Belize.

Almost to open water...

Eric enjoyed steering for a bit.

The view from below deck

We made one tack almost to Dangriga before turning and heading to the cayes.

Our first stop was at Victoria Island.

We stopped in to talk to the owner, Willow, but she wasn't around.

Only the volunteers were hanging out in the big palapa, which has a small bar, kitchen, and a pool table (although it appeared
to be somebody's bed for the night).

We sailed on to Bread and Butter Caye for lunch and some snorkeling.  While snorkeling we saw huge schools of fish
undulating through the water around us, barracuda, coral, and at least a dozen starfish.

Rudy, the island dog, napped at our table while we ate.


We have seen dolphins every time we have been out on the water, and this day was no exception.

The skies were dramatic on the way home.

We got back just in time for a gorgeous sunset.

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