Monday, May 11, 2015

5-10-2015 Mother's Day Dinner at Rhum Shack

Happy Mother's Day to our mothers and all the mothers out there!!!  We could not be with our mothers today, but we did at least call them.  :)  At night we went with Mark, Julie and David to have dinner at Rhum Shack, and they had a special Mother's Day dinner.

This was the lovely table decoration that night.

Eric, Mark and David had the appetizer of "Coconut crusted shrimp in a tropical twist".

Cara and Julie had the appetizer of "Cassava chips with lime chille Mayo".

There was live drumming that night and at one point they called for volunteers for a brief lesson.  David had been wanting to
try drumming, so he went up and loved it.  He said you have to hit the drums really hard for them to make a noise.

They made a nice veggie pasta with pesto sauce for Cara.

Everyone but Cara had the "Blackened Snapper bedded on a coconut rice and a rhumshack style Ratatouille" (last item not
pictured here).

Our dessert of strudel and rum raisin ice cream

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