Monday, May 25, 2015

5-25-2015 Cara's mom, Deedra, comes to Belize

Cara's mom got a chance to visit Belize for 2 weeks.
Cara and Deedra

Belize has a lot of islands and this is a view from the plane

After she landed we went and ate some chinese food at Ivy's Restaurant.  Across the street was this restaurant with a typical
Belizean name, but we didn't eat there on this day.

A group gathered at the bar to welcome Deedra to Belize

Deedra stayed in the front apartment downstairs

The resident dog Tango loves to shred coconuts

The house has many pet geckos running around.  They take care of any bugs that get into the house.

Our pet geckos get into everything and we find them in the strangest places

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