Friday, September 4, 2015

9-3-2015 Sailing & Snorkeling at Bread & Butter Cayes

I (Cara) love sailing to the cayes with Brujula Sailing Trips, and I knew Gabby would love it too.  I was happy that my friend
Jennifer was able to join us also.

Gabby and me

Captain Bryan at the helm, and our guide, Udell, in the forefront

Bryan always offers the old fashioned method for females to "use the facilities" before we make
it to the caye.  Nobody has had to take him up on that offer until this trip.  Another couple joined
us on this trip, and Jen actually did have to use the restroom the old fashioned way.

Udell with Bolo, the boat dog

Landed on Bread and Butter Cayes - time to relax in a hammock!

We met the owner of Bread and Butter Cayes, Dwayne Miller, and he gave us a tour of the island.

When he first acquired the islands, this one was mostly mangrove like this, with only a sandy spot big enough for a tent.

Construction materials for island expansion

This lovely cabana can be rented during high season.

I want to come back here and stay sometime.

View from the cabana deck of the channel between Bread Caye (this island) and Butter Caye (the companion island)

Looking straight out from the cabana deck

Looking to the left from the cabana deck

Me and Gabby

Another cute cabana for rent on the island

There is a full bathroom hiding behind the door to the left.

The view from the little over-water cabana window

Time to head home...

Sun setting on the Sittee River

That night we had a quick dinner at Loggerheads Pub (hoping for live reggae music, which did not happen that night).
This is Cara's veggie burger over a salad, and fresh cut fries.

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