Saturday, October 3, 2015

10-3-2015 Cara's 41st birthday

Cara's Birthday is actually on the 2nd, but we celebrated it on Saturday, October 3rd.  The Bamboo Bar hosted the party.  The Bamboo is Mark's private beach bar right were we stay.

Picture of the Birthday Girl

The party got going at about 2 because it was a nice day to swim

Yuri brought a big raft and we tied it up to the dock.  As you can see it is shallow there.

People telling stories under the Bamboo Bar

We got lucky and had a very nice weather day
The raft was a big hit with Christopher who is 3 years old

Picture of the dock

Christopher is a real ball of energy

This is the Bamboo Bar

Jim is the neighbor across the street.  He was here for 2 weeks, but lives in Pennsylvania

Taking a picture of Birgit taking a picture

This is Frank and Jo-Anne.  They were visiting Jim and are also from Pennsylvania.

Yuri is a good friend and is from Russia.  This picture accurately reflects his personality!

Bryan is the guy that takes everybody sailing.  On the left is Oksana and on the right is Emma.

Tango had to watch most of the party from the upstairs Balcony.

We grilled burgers and Chicken. 

Of course there was way more food than everybody could eat

Sabrina is the proud owner of the Bamboo Bar

Felix, Cristina, Cara and Eric

Many of the people had to work during the day because restaurants are open on they breathed new life into the
party as the night wore on.

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