Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10-6-2015 Road Trip to San Ignacio

We left early Tuesday morning to head to San Ignacio in the Cayo District. We saw the usual birds in the lagoon on the way
out, including pink flamingos (they're pale pink).

Of course, we had to stop for ice cream at the Country Barn on the Hummingbird Highway. This day the ice cream machine
was broken, so they only had "milkshakes to go", which were rich and delicious.

Countryside surrounding the Country Barn

Beautiful flowers at the Country Barn

We stopped in Belmopan and checked out the market there, then continued on to San Ignacio, where we checked into our
rooms at the Western Guesthouse. 

We walked around town, secured our tour for the next day, then had dinner at Ko-Ox-Han-Nah, one of our favorite restaurants in San Ignacio.  We turned in early since we had to be ready for our tour at 7:30 am the next morning.

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